Saturday, May 1, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Stop Complaining and Make a Difference!

I need to rant a little bit. I just got a new job and I can't take the political commentary among my co-workers anymore. I keep quiet while everyone in the room blames the current president for everything that's wrong in their lives and our country but secretly I want to punch them all in the face whenever they open their naive mouths. Okay, maybe not actually punch them in the face, but it seems to me that a lot of people these days love to talk but don't want to actually do anything about it.

Since when did the citizens of the United States become so dependent? I live in a world filled with loud, but lazy people. People that scream at their televisions about how stupid a football player was for not making a certain move. So many people think they know how something is "supposed" to be done, but very few of them actually try to make a difference with any of it. Let me use the president as an example. More and more people give up control of their lives to the government every day and they do it by accusing them of controlling their lives. It's a catch 22 and they don't even realize it. When you blame circumstance for any predicament your in, you have just given up your power to that circumstance. Stop getting on your soap boxes, stop pointing fingers and do something about it.

The president of the United States is ONE MAN. I don't care who it is. I don't care if it's Bush, Clinton, Obama, or anyone else. They are one person and yet somehow the citizens of this country think they are supposed to turn it all around, as if he has his hand on some big political steering wheel and he can just do a U-turn. Screw off with your finger pointing guys! How about instead of complaining about president Obama not doing all the things he said he would to fix the economy, you go out and spend your money. All it would take to turn the economy around would be for people to forget that it's bad in the first place. The economy is yet another catch 22 that people don't seem to understand. If the news came on tomorrow and said, "The economy is all better, go spend your money now." It would be all better because they said it was and you would go spend your money.

Recently there was a city council meeting in my area where business owners of all types showed up. The entire time people kept complaining about how our little town is going down the toilet. One gal even complained that the sidewalks in front of her business never get swept and it makes her business look ugly. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? Sweep the sidewalks for crying out loud! Quit depending on other people to do things for you and be a part of the community, help out! Nobody understands what community means anymore. Do you really think of a community as a city full of people that don't interact with each other unless they have something the other wants, and government employees keep it all clean and trim the trees? Go out and participate. Get involved in community projects, help pick up trash, cast your vote when city meetings come up, and stop waiting for everyone else to do it for you!

It's just like positive thinking. You can't wait for everyone around you to start thinking positively before you do or you'll never think positively. Someone has to do it first, that's how it starts. So go out in front of your business, wave to somebody driving by, and sweep your god forsaken sidewalk. I don't care if it belongs to the city, YOU LIVE IN THIS CITY, so help out. Tons of people complaining and nobody bothering to lift a finger. There are arm chair critics around every corner. People complain about tax hikes and then don't want to help out the community in any way. If it doesn't directly benefit themselves then they won't do it. "Why should I sweep the sidewalk, it doesn't belong to me?" You should sweep it because it's dirty. You should sweep it because helping your community will help you in the long run. You know what, while you're at it why don't you sweep in front of the two businesses on either side of you too.

It doesn't matter what job I have, everyone there hates the company. They all think they know how a company should be run yet here they are at the bottom of the totem pole. People build up corporations to be evil and uncaring. None of them have any idea how much work it takes to build and maintain a large company. I'm sure that if any one of them had a group of people watching them that they would be bombarded with things they don't do right; in fact they do, other people just like themselves talk about them when their not in the room. But nobody ever stops to offer a tip or help out. Is your supervisor a dick? Why not bring him/her something to cheer them up one day? How about instead of bitching to anyone nearby that the supervisor is a dick you become their friend. Stop complaining and DO SOMETHING!

I consider myself to be a pretty happy and helpful person but even I could do better. It's easy to catch myself running through the same thought processes that everyone else does. There's an underlying desire to complain about everything, especially when we have it so good. I'm pretty sure the children working in factories in foreign countries don't complain about their supervisors. In fact, I'd bet money that they are very grateful to have jobs and making 2 cents an hour to help feed their families.

Quit acting like you are privy to knowledge that you obviously don't have. Not only should you NOT refuse to buy a sweater because it was made by child laborers in a foreign country, you should go out of your way to buy them! Why? Because you don't understand how it works. I hear at least twice a week that those poor child laborers don't get any rest. What you all fail to realize is that those poor child laborers live in countries and communities that are already poor with or without the giant factory that moved into town. Those people are excited to have a corporation come into town and say "hey, come knit sweaters all day and we'll help you have food to eat." If you want them to have more money then support the businesses that give them jobs. The more you buy the more their labor is worth and the more money they will make. Stop believing everything you hear and stop pretending you have knowledge about a subject you couldn't possibly.

You don't know what it's like to be the CEO of Walmart. You don't know what it's like to run a country. And you likely don't even know what it's like to be a pro football player. You are you because you chose to be, whether you know it or not. Who or what do you give your power of control to every day? If you bitch about your supervisor being a dick then guess who has the control? You supervisor does. If you come into work and give them a card that says "Thanks for being awesome!" then who has the control? YOU DO! Of course you can't always change the moods of those around you but that's still no excuse to be in a bad mood with them. Even if your efforts to make a difference go unnoticed you shouldn't care. If you're a positive person then you are happy to be you and that's as much as you need. Do you hand over your power to the rush hour traffic? Do you hand over your power to the government? There are always things to complain about, so for once let's get creative and come up with ways that we can affect the issues we care about most.

Do you want to make more money at your Walmart job? Do a good job! Impress someone and you will be rewarded. Quit waiting to be noticed and then complaining when you're not. Go up the food chain and talk to the people that care. In any company there is always someone that cares, you just have to go up the ladder a bit to find them. If you have worked in the peon position at a company for more than a year and you're starting to wonder why you never move up, maybe it's time to have a look at yourself and the way you live your life. Who or what controls you? You hand your control over to the very things you complain about, so stop doing it. Stop complaining. I'm not saying I'm perfect or that anyone is; we all complain, some of us more than others.

Put yourself in the shoes of others and watch yourself in your mind. What kind of person would you think you are? If you were the president of the United States and you were scrambling every day to accomplish impossible tasks all by yourself, what would you think of this little person in the corner bitching and moaning about every move you make? If you were president and you ran into yourself as you are now what would cross your mind?

Let's all go out and make a difference today. Get someone you dislike a thank you card. Write a letter to the president thanking him for taking on such a huge responsibility. Wave to a neighbor. And always wear a smile.