Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Emotional Appeal

I want to talk a little bit about emotional appeal. In a nutshell emotional appeal is the application of anecdotal evidence put forth to influence an opinion. The problem is, being human makes it extremely difficult to squelch emotion altogether, especially when discussing a topic I am particularly passionate about. I think that emotion has its place, even within the skeptical community. There are times when it is appropriate and times when it could be considered a logical fallacy.

It is important to remember that emotion almost always involves subjective experiences and anecdotal evidence. What that means is that it is rarely useful in science and cannot be logically applied to an argument to bolster your position. Emotion is a tool that can be used to describe a personal or subjective experience/feeling. Take for instance, the blog I wrote about being an atheist. Disbelieving in a god is just as unfalsifiable as believing in one. Because of the nature of that subject, much of the post had to be anecdotal emotional appeal. That has its place as a descriptor, but not as a basis for argument. I cannot say that God doesn't exist because it flies in the face of human achievement. However, I can state that the idea of God flies in the face of human achievement. It doesn't prove anything, but it describes my subjective feelings regarding the issue.

Unfortunately, we are emotional creatures. This is a big part of why skepticism isn't as well received as it ought to be. Skepticism often comes off emotionless, which to most people is a cold and dreary state of being. I want to clarify that misconception. Skepticism can be an immense source of happiness. The mysteries and wonders of science are so amazing, they can leave you breathless if given the chance. Skeptics tend to be more analytical people. To others, that can seem boring and uninteresting. The skeptical movement needs passionate individuals that are simply fans of science, whether or not they are experts in any one field.

There is one thing that much of the skeptical movement lacks that other groups in the world have. Charisma. Often-times a scientist's excitement is simply not expressed in a way that the layman can understand. The media tries to fluff up science pieces to make them sound interesting, but the way they do it is by altering or over-simplifying the science being reported on. I hate to say it, but us skeptics could take a page out of the true believers' book. Why do you think woo and pseudoscience is so good at spreading? Obviously it's not because of the woo itself because the moment they were disappointed by it they would throw it away. It's because of the people pedaling it with great charisma!

I did business with a guy locally that I would consider a friend. After getting to know him a little bit I found out he was drowning in a whole mess of pseudoscientific beliefs. He talks about all sorts of homeopathic remedies, natural cures, and subscribes to all sorts of multilevel marketing ideas. None of what he says is compelling, even to the extremely gullible, beyond a magical emotional appeal. The only reason they believe it is because he has more charisma than anyone I've ever met. He's lovable; of course he is extremely deluded in my opinion, but if you meet him you instantly want to be his friend. I can see why so many people trust him and what he says pretty quickly after getting to know him. He sounds intelligent and in fact he is on numerous subjects, but not many scientific ones. If he, who knows literally nothing of science except for the words "quantum mechanics" (not the definition, obviously), can be that compelling to that many people then so can we as skeptics.

Yes this is all anecdotal, but I still think it applies to a large number of pseudoscientists out there. They are successful because they are enthusiastic, and sadly most of them actually believe the things they say which makes their enthusiasm that much more convincing.

In my line of work I teach business owners why relationship building is so important in running a successful business. The product or service is only a tiny fraction of a business's success in most cases. Only a few businesses ever become successful because they stumble upon some brilliant product or niche that hasn't been filled. Most successful businesses are successful because the owner or marketing team has massive amounts of charisma and enthusiasm. We all need to take a lesson from Carl Sagan. There was a man that knew how to excite the masses about science, without bogging them down; he simplified science in a way that the general population could understand and be excited by and he did it without dumbing down the science. Another one is Bill Nye. The only reason that show is entertaining is because the guy is exciting to watch. You can easily see the excitement he has for science and that transfers to the audience. The bottom line is that skeptics need a better marketing team. We have to appeal to that emotional side of our human minds. There is plenty of room for emotion while still sticking to the science and being a logical thinker.

- Alex

The Crazy Skeptic

I had an interesting experience after posting my blog about why I am an Atheist. I created a forum topic asking for any criticism of the blog. I like to do this because I'm not an expert in any given scientific field. While I do consider myself a "thinking" person I still want feedback from anyone who might have something to add. Several great suggestions for clarification were made and I corrected the relevant lines in the blog post. Soon after, something odd happened. I encountered the "crazy" skeptic.

I won't name any names because it was just a forum thread, but this person was the perfect example of a skeptic that the public gets to see. He was the epitome of the skeptic that is always right, super cynical of everything, and was generally ill-willed toward other people. He regarded what he deemed "stupid people" with great contempt. I ended up debating him for many pages because I felt he had misrepresented me and my blog post. The conversation devolved into an argument of semantics about Occam's Razor. I won't delve into the meat of the argument because it was pointless, but I kept it going because I was completely fascinated at the dedication put forth by someone who on the surface seems fairly level-headed.

The conversation lasted for several days and once the board hit around page 17 I decided that I was satisfied. It was down to satire and name calling anyway. I bring all this up because this is the perception the world has of skeptics. It is these people who are just as self-righteous as the crazy pseudo-scientists and creationists, that gives the skeptical movement a bad name. Forgiving the points he made that I disagreed with and the logical fallacies I pointed out, he was overall a very mean-spirited individual. What is sad is that when he interacts with the rest of the world nobody learns anything. He calls them stupid and makes a point out of encouraging them to continue being stupid instead of attempting to enlighten them. His heart seems to be in the right place but his methods for reaching others (if that is even his goal) are extremely flawed.

I bring this up as an example for how skeptics are perceived by the public. This was an argument between two skeptics, supposedly on the same team! I did some research on his name and discovered a sleuth of Amizon.com posts where he went on a review rampage. He attempts to debunk pseudoscience left and right, and while it was extremely entertaining, none of it was useful. He gets into arguments with scientifically illiterate people left and right. Whenever they commit logical fallacies he just steamrolls them with attacks directed at their intellectual capacity. Now and then he actually does reference the studies that support his arguments, but most of the time it is just naked criticism. This doesn't speak to the fact of whether he is right or wrong, only that he doesn't take the time to explain things in a calm enough way that someone else might benefit from it.

This is just one extreme example of a crazy skeptic out to debunk the world. The sad fact is though, that skeptics such as him are the vocal majority. They put out a negative vibe and worsen the connotative meaning of the word skeptic. It is sad to see so many people talk about how much they hate those "skeptics" because of one crazy they interacted with. Most of us are happy skeptics that have just as much meaning in their lives as those that take joy from believing in nonsense. I may end up renaming this blog to "The Happy Skeptic" because that is the image I would like to convey. I want others to see me as an example of a scientifically literate atheist and skeptic that is perfectly happy and lives a great life. I want people to know that all atheists and skeptics don't have an agenda to push on them. Having an agenda to push onto others is no different than the Mormons here in Utah trying to convert the world to their religion.

I want to end this post with a message to my fellow skeptics. As you journey out into the world of woo, do not try to show everyone why you're so intelligent and why they are not. Do not try and convert them to your way of thinking. Set an example and be the happy skeptic that is content with his/her confidence in logic and the scientific method. When you set that example people will become interested. Once those people become interested you have opened the door for rational thinking to take place. Several of my close friends have already come to me asking me about my participation in the skeptical movement. Never once did I tell them they should be interested. I simply set an example and they fell in line. All we can do as skeptics is grease those mental cogs a little bit and hope that they start turning. Don't get caught up arguing with someone that will never see things the way you do. In fact, the more you argue, the worse they will forever stereotype you and all skeptics.

Set an example. Don't stoop to the same tactics that true believers use. Feuding will never accomplish anything. You can make your points and still be calm and collected.

- Chevex

Prop 8

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Why I'm an Atheist.

Today I want to clarify something. Atheism. I feel that many people misunderstand what true Atheism is all about. Most theists see Atheists as naysayers that are just out to attack their beliefs. Well the sad fact is that they are often right. Many Atheists are Atheist simply to be contrarian. The ones that are in it just to piss off theists give the rest of us a bad name and because they are very vocal about it they are primarily what others end up seeing. True Atheism is something very few people have actually considered.

The easiest way for me to describe why an Atheist believes what he/she believes is to describe my own reasoning. I used to be simply agnostic, refusing to pick a side of the debate simply because I did not know enough to make an educated decision. An agnostic can also be a Theist or Atheist, but at the time I was neither. Over time, especially living here in Utah, I have arrived at the personal conclusion that the concept of God is a human creation. Of course you cannot prove or disprove this, much the same way you cannot prove or disprove God. However, I arrived at this conclusion for several reasons. After observing other people for quite some time I found that people have a hard time accepting that they just don't know something. God seems to be the filler that seals all the cracks in knowledge anytime a theist does not understand something. I believe that this human instinct to create answers in the absence of real answers is responsible for the creation of God in order to answer life's greatest questions.

Another reason I have trouble validating the existence of a god is because it is an unfalsifiable, non-scientific claim. I like to bring up a principle known as Occam's Razor. Occam's Razor says that, of two theories that arrive at the same conclusion, the hypothesis that introduces the fewest assumptions is usually the most correct in it's formulation. I believe that of all theories that explain how and why we are here, the theory that we simply don't yet know is the only one that does not require the introduction of another HUGE unknown. It does not need to introduce any new variables. It's not even a theory really, it's just intellectual honesty to state that we don't know something. The concept of God creating the universe is explaining an unknown with another, possible larger, unknown. Such theories cannot be tested and are therefore unfalsifiable.

That is why I made the jump from being a so called "fence-sitter" to being a disbeliever in God. I found that I get more happiness from my life by simply acknowledging and looking upon in awe, the mysteries of our reality. When the answer to every mystery is "God did it" life seems to lose its luster for me. It is the pursuit of knowledge that is fulfilling to me. A true Atheist finds life and every aspect therein to be fascinating!

Another reason I became an Atheist is that the concept of God flies in the face of human achievement. There was a story (http://www.reuters.com/article/oddlyEnoughNews/idUSEIC47086020070905) where an airline in some other country was worried about the safety of an aircraft and they conducted a religious sacrifice of two goats to ensure the safety of the coming flights. I could not understand how one could be in the presence of such human ingenuity as a large metallic craft that can fly through the air and still think they have to please some whimsical being by killing two goats in order to be safe. In my humble opinion, belief in a god downplays all of humanities accomplishments. Look how far our species has come! It is this reason that I dislike the beginnings of every Thanksgiving dinner.

At Thanksgiving your family likely sits down at the dinner table as mine does. Before you is a grand feast, the likes of which you probably haven't experienced since last Thanksgiving. This food came from all over the world; it was raised or grown using methods that have been developed and refined by humans over hundreds of years. So refined are our methods for growing and raising food that we can manufacture food for humans all over the globe. Afterward, the food is harvested and loaded into trucks which are also a product of human ingenuity. The food is then taken to the appropriate processing facility where more technological development is rampant and always improving. We have learned enough about our environment that within these facilities we can detect and kill microorganisms living in our food that we can't even see! This in turn has contributed to our life expectancy increasing drastically over the last several hundred years. Once the food undergoes all the processing necessary it is packaged appropriately so as to prevent contamination and shipped all over the world.

It is so easy to forget about how far we've come when you get in your car, drive to the store, and come home with a turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, stuffing, cornbread, dinner rolls, butter, milk, chips and dip, croutons, lettuce, ranch dressing, etc etc etc... And all of that can be done in under an hour. God didn't make that feast. WE DID! God didn't make the soil fertile for the farmers, WE DID! God didn't adjust the diets of farm animals to help raise nutritious food, WE DID! God didn't protect you from getting sick from your food, WE DID! Our accomplishments are vast and yet it is so easy to forget about all of that and thank God for the feast in front of us. We are amazing creatures. Most will argue at this point that we are amazing because God made us that way. Well, at that point it becomes a matter of opinion once again. Some people choose to make the jump from an unanswered question about life to a faith-based answer involving God. Others like myself enjoy the mystery and prefer the intellectually honest answer of "we simply don't yet know."

That is why I am an Atheist. I don't have an agenda other than I choose not to believe anything on faith. I take nothing at face value. I utilize the power of critical thinking and the scientific method to make my decisions. Why am I telling you all this? Because I love to express myself, even if that expression upsets those I am close to. Change can only occur in persons desiring change, therefore the only thing I can do is be an example of an Atheist that lives a perfectly happy life and has good moral values despite the absence of religious belief. I try to be as fair and understanding as possible while still expressing myself and what I believe/disbelieve. Now you see what true Atheism is all about. It is just a choice; one that does not require anyone else to agree. Sure, my bias rests with me wishing other people felt as I do, but I do not seek to convert anyone. I only want to grease those mental cogs a little. If nothing else, at least you can see my perspective and perhaps understand my position just a little better.

Thanks for reading.

- Alex
The Utah Skeptic

What is Science?

If you're a skeptic, then you already know what science is and how it operates. You understand science to be a methodological system for learning about our reality. However, I find over and over again that most people do not understand what the concept of science even is. For some reason a large majority of our population, at least here in the United States, is scientifically illiterate. I don't think there is any one cause for this illiteracy, but it is mind boggling to think that so many people are not only scientifically illiterate, but they don't even understand what science is in the first place.

If you look to my last blog you will find a video mockery I put together to make fun of a video created by a theist for the sole purpose of making Atheist's look evil. Already there have been a string of comments underneath my video attacking me for it. This is no surprise and fully expected, but I am quickly realizing as I venture toward the front lines of skepticism that many, if not most, theists believe science is just another belief system. It actually surprised me to find people telling me not to have blind faith in my "science". Either the person that posted that comment was a skeptic cracking a joke, or the public understanding of science is worse off than I originally thought.

I decided with this blog to explain in layman's terms (easy, since I'm pretty much a layman anyway, albeit a skeptical one) what science is. First and foremost you must understand one fundamental concept if you do not already; science is NOT (NOT NOT NOT) a faith based system. Science does not require you to believe anything on faith, nor does it require you to take any claims it makes at face value. If this is news to you then pay close attention because your world view is about to go for a spin. Science has little to no relation to religion or other belief systems. In the simplest of terms, science is nothing more than a method for analyzing the world around us. You have probably heard the term "scientific method" before. This method is an evidence-based way of learning. It does not require you to make any assumptions or believe anything out of hand.

The scientific method consists of several steps, all of which are derived from simple logic.

* Ask a Question
* Do Background Research
* Construct a Hypothesis
* Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment
* Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion
* Communicate Your Results

It is a very simple concept to understand and you can probably already see why it does not require you to make any mental leaps. First you must ask a question. Simple enough right? It is important to remember that this is a logical system and you must ask logical questions. Questions cannot be unfalsifiable, such as "Do invisible flying unicorns exist?" First of all this question has no compelling reason to be asked. Most questions are based on something we already know to be true and have compelling reasons for why we should develop theories for how it works and then test them. You cannot test if there are invisible flying unicorns because you have no observable effect that would lead you to that hypothesis. Also, the question is unfalsifiable because it is making too many assumptions. The first assumption is that unicorns exist. The second assumption is that the unicorns are invisible. The last assumption is that the unicorns can fly. None of those things have any observable effect on our reality and so we cannot test for the existence of them.

An example of a perfectly logical question to ask is the famous question asked by Sir Isaac Newton. "Why does this apple fall to the ground?" It does not require you to assume that the apple exists, nor does it require you to assume the apple falls to the ground. Those are both things that you can observe and are concrete facts. The apple does exist and it does fall to the ground. But why? Well, that is where the beauty of the scientific method comes into play. Indeed the next step is to see if your question has already been answered. Do your research. If you find that your question has not been asked before or that it has not been properly answered before then it is time to get creative.

Many people think science is boring and is not creative. This is a completely false assertion. Science is one of the most creative endeavors of humanity and coming up with a theory to answer a question is the largest and most creative part of the scientific method. Newton posited that some force that is not immediately visible must exist that pulls the apple to the ground. He called this force gravity, obviously. While for his time he wasn't able to explain why or how gravity existed and operated, he was able to describe gravity and its effects very precisely. He needn't test for the existence of this gravity since its existence was obvious. Something did indeed pull the apple down to the ground. What he was able to do however, was to test different properties of this gravity to more accurately describe it. He conducted many tests, not the least of which was the test wherein he dropped two objects at the same time. Both objects where vastly different in their sizes and masses. Granted they were heavy enough to be affected very little by the air, both objects would hit the ground at the same time, despite weighing different amounts. Newton was able to describe this force of gravity very accurately, despite not being able to explain how or why it existed.

After pulling in all the data from his tests he was able to come up with several laws of physics that would describe gravity and its affects on physical matter. Isaac Newton gave us principles of physics that still hold true to today. Only later, when Albert Einstein came along with his famous theory of relativity, did we finally have a working theory for what gravity is and why it exists. I've taken this example too far so I won't go into anymore detail about gravity, but you can see how the scientific method has helped us to learn much about the world around us and continues to do so in every field of science.

The final step of the scientific method is to communicate your results. Only when your tests can be duplicated by other scientists can there be a consensus among the scientific community. This is very important because it eliminates any bias from the individual that originated the theory and the tests. Everything must be able to be duplicated in order for the theory to hold true.

That's it! That is how science works! Everything we know today within the scientific community has a vast library of empirical evidence supporting it. The beautiful thing about all of this is that as more evidence comes in, theories change. Science is always changing and adapting to new ideas and theories. Everything that is accepted as a scientific fact has been proven over and over again to the best of our ability as the observers. Sometimes we make only subtle changes to theories as we go forward. Other times entire theories go by the wayside to make room for new theories that better describe the mystery for which the scientist is attempting to solve.

As you can see, science does not need you to believe anything. If you hear a scientific claim and that claim is true then you would be able to research it and see for yourself how the community arrived at that conclusion. The thing many lay persons have a hard time accepting is that they cannot possibly specialize in every field of science. So sometimes you have to accept the consensus among the community that specializes in that field. That is, if you don't want to learn everything you can about that field, then run tests of your own to verify the results. I often hear people arguing that science gets lots of stuff wrong. Nothing could be farther from the truth. MANY MANY MANY theories that are postulated end up being wrong, but the very nature of science and the scientific method means that those theories will get weeded out over time. Sure, a theory that gets some things wrong can exist for a long time, but with more time and more testing theories only get stronger or are replaced by stronger ones. On the whole, science is the only way to truly "know" about our reality. It builds upon things we already know and is constantly changing as our understanding evolves. That is partly why it comes head to head with religious factions at times. Religious beliefs often answered many questions that used to be unknown to us, such as the age of the Earth. However, now that we have developed methods of actually measuring the age of the Earth to a fairly precise degree, it directly contradicts how old many creationists think the Earth to be. Science is based on change, it adapts to change. Science couldn't exist without it's ability to change and improve itself. Religion does not change so easily.

There you have it. That is science in a nutshell. Do you see now why science does not contradict a belief system like your religion? The only time your religious beliefs are at stake is when they make claims that are testable using the logical methods of science. The thing that I don't understand is why many religious people think that every detail of the bible must be true. How does the bible getting the age of the Earth wrong contradict your belief in God? Supposedly mortals wrote the text that later became the bible, is it so sacrilegious to think that maybe they just got some minor points wrong? As most of you well know, I am an Atheist, so such questions don't particularly intrigue me. I simply don't understand why so many theists cannot change as science does, learning new things and adapting to new discoveries. I suppose that there isn't much to understand. It is not too different from someone getting ripped off on a purchase and then defending themselves and what they purchased simply out of pride.

I hope this helps some of you to understand better what science is and why it doesn't have to be in direct conflict with your beliefs. Anything that you have "faith" in is inherently NOT science which means you are free to believe in it because science essentially cannot prove or disprove such unfalsifiable claims like God.

I wish you all a good day!

- Alex

Saturday, October 31, 2009

This should really keep us thinking...

My last blog was about a video called "This should really keep us thinking" wherein a theist with an agenda set out to make Atheists look like evil closed-minded people. I took some time and created an appropriate response, in video form.

Here is the original video...

Here is my response video...

I dive deeper...

All my life I have been a skeptic, even thought I didn't know it until a few months ago. I used to despise my peers because I just couldn't understand what I considered at the time to be immature behavior. I was extremely critical of any claims I could not immediately find compelling evidence for. Things my friends would say, and even things my parents would say would make me squint with an eye of skepticism. Now that I know how to describe my personality, being that I have found a community of individuals like myself, I am a much happier person. I truly do enjoy being myself around others like me. My skepticism set me so far apart from most people I knew growing up in Utah that I began to have a great hatred for almost everyone. I could never understand why I hated other people so much. I was afraid to question things like the dominant religion here and so I simply hated them for it. Today I have a more positive outlook on my life. I actually find the things people believe quite interesting. It fascinates me to watch hundreds of minds blindly following one another. They are so used to being surrounded by equally deluded people that they freely make unsubstantiated claims about whatever they choose.

As I have journeyed to become a regular name in the world of skepticism I hadn't yet found that thing that so many skeptics talk about. That one thing that leaves a skeptic in awe at human stupidity. Until today when I found this.....http://media.causes.com/564010. After watching this video I just chuckled; it was filled with so many logical fallacies and anecdotal stories that I was sure nobody gave this the time of day. Then I read the comments underneath the video. I just about passed out. I got my first glimpse into just how deluded some people truly are. I never would have imagined. Of course I had to enter in my skeptical bit and shoot down a few of the commenters using my weapons of logic, but I don't think anything could slow down that train of stupid. Here is my one long comment that I left in the hopes that I might at least convey why someone might be an Atheist and share some perspective.

I am 3 seconds in and have already spotted a logical fallacy. The existence of God is not a scientific claim. You cannot prove a negative; you cannot prove that God doesn't exist. It's like saying to someone, "prove to me invisible flying unicorns DON'T exist." The onus is on the individual making the claim to provide compelling evidence, only then can scientific tests be formulated to try and disprove the theory. Only when a theory has withstood an order of magnitude of tests and never turned out negative can it be called a viable scientific fact. Even then a scientific fact is still fundamentally a theory because further compelling evidence would change it yet again.

The existence of God is a belief system and operates outside of the realm of science. Religion and Science are mutually exclusive so this so called professor has an atheist extremist, which is no different than a religious extremist. Both are unwilling to modify what they think in any way.

I take the position that this entire story is made up. The whole thing is an anecdote designed to invoke some kind of emotional response, not any logical one. What professor stands up in front of a classroom of students, especially college students, and shouts "YOU FOOL!" like an evil sorcerer? It's amazing how religious activists make those who don't agree with them appear to be evil. It happens in much the same way Atheist extremists make religious people look evil. The fact of the matter is, the entire video is anecdotal and for that reason cannot be taken seriously. All it would have taken was the professor's name, the name of the university, the name of the student, anything to show that it actually happend; that would have made it at least have a small root in fact. As it stands I lean toward it all being made up.

Lastly, lets take as a premise that this did actually happen. Discounting the anecdotal factor lets pretend that this evil Atheist stood up and did this in front of an entire class, for years, without ever being forced to step down for introducing religious elements into a classroom and breaking the law. His argument that God need only stop the chalk from falling and/or breaking to prove his existence is the silliest argument I've ever heard. That doesn't prove or disprove anything. Furthermore, I refuse to believe that a classroom of supposed "true believers" all sat their intimidated. Do you have any idea how high and mighty even college students can get in the classroom? An entire class doesn't just get walked on. In addition to that, have you ever met an extremist of anything that was swayed by one small thing, let alone compelling evidence? The kid believes God made the chalk slip, all the Atheist would do if he really existed is pick it back up and drop it again, because chalk dropping and not breaking is not proof of God to any Atheist, and it doesn't disprove God to any theist. Period. Both parties are going to continue believing what they want to believe and no amount of evidence is going to sway them. Not chalk falling, not the sky falling, not even a booming voice echoing from the clouds above will change either person's views. That is the definition of an extremist.

I try to be as fair as possible when I write things like this, but here I have to insert a little of my bias as an Atheist. A true Atheist does not try to disprove God. That is a logical fallacy and a task that cannot be done. As I stated earlier, prove that invisible unicorns don't exist. You can't. A true Atheist is basically just a scientist or scientifically minded person that operates on logic. A true Atheist does not disbelieve in God because everyone else seems to. They do not try to prove a point, only a method of analyzing the world around him/her. The scientific method is simply the way we identify anomalies or mysteries that we've yet to understand, create a theory or theories that could potentially explain said anomaly, and then develop a series of tests to validate the theory. From an Atheist's standpoint God is a human concept that is invoked whenever we don't understand something. Because the idea of God is that this being is so powerful we cannot even comprehend or understand it, it is outside the realm of science. No theory for the existence of God can be created and tested. It is purely a faith system.

I only get confrontational when theists make religious claims that fall within the realm of science and completely contradict a scientific claim with literally no compelling evidence for their stance. As far as simply believing in God goes. Go right ahead! There will always be things we do not understand. Every solved question creates more questions; that is why science is so fascinating to me. However, if you chose to believe that God created the universe, etc, then I see nothing wrong with it. It's when we get up in arms as a people and argue about things like this that we become a savage race. Don't have holy wars, don't preach to those who disagree with you, just live and let live. If you believe in an afterlife then take solace in the fact that your faith will take you where you want to go and those other people you deem closed-minded will get what you think they deserve, with or without you attacking them. If you don't believe in an afterlife then take solace in the fact that those with blind faith will waste their lives worshiping a god you don't believe in and then die. Ultimately a dialog between two opposing factions of this kind is a waste of time. Faith and science are two completely separate entities. They do not need to be at odds.

Lastly, I will end my long speech with a simple request to the video author to provide some compelling information in future productions. Anecdotal evidence doesn't do anything but get people riled up (perhaps that was the intent?), and spark a controversy. Give us something to look at, something we can research so that true believers and skeptics alike can have an intelligent debate about facts instead of unintelligent debates about who's going to hell and who's wasting their lives away.

You really do have to look upon this production in awe as my well thought out paragraph-sized comment is completely ignored. A few other Atheists took the time to post in there. Unfortunately their comments were just as ignorant and illiterate as the rest of the comments. I made a few spelling errors, but for the most part I took a decent amount of time to share my point of view and point out some flaws in the video.

As you scroll through the comments in an attempt to find my wall of text (FaceBook decided to get rid of my nice formatting and cram it all together) you will sift through a sea of people that make no attempt to acknowledge what I said, let alone be affected by it. The sad part for me is that I'm fairly sure it is all because nobody bothered to read something so long. It is no wonder our society is largely lacking in intelligence. Everyone seems to have an opinion, but almost no one seems to have anything substantial to back it up. It truly is an amazing thing to see.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Logical Fallacies

I often refer to the podcast put out by The New England Skeptical Society and I am about to again. They have a list of 20 logical fallacies that people commit when arguing a point or points. The full list can be found here:


I want to talk about a few and how they relate to my situation here in Utah because I hear them A LOT!

When debating with a creationist (ex: A Mormon) there are a couple things you need to remember. It would seem easy to pin them into a logical corner, and in fact it is if you know what you're doing. However, you can get caught off guard quite easily if you're not prepared. For instance, you might assume that someone who believes in a lot of whimsical things should be easy to debate against. With no basis in fact they have no ground to stand on, they can't possibly win a debate right? WRONG! In reality, the very fact that what they say doesn't have to be grounded with evidence and logic makes their end of the debate very open ended! This makes them very effective arguers against those who don't have their archive of logical fallacies ready to go. Some people are very slick with words and can debate almost anything effectively against an unprepared skeptic.

The first concept I want to throw out isn't so much a logical fallacy as a debate tactic used to keep you chasing them. It's called "The Gish Gallop"; This term was coined by those that attempted to debate with creationism professor Duane Gish. To borrow a line from Wikipedia "The Gish Gallop is an informal name for a rhetorical technique in debates that involves drowning the opponent in half-truths, lies, straw men, and bullshit to such a degree that the opponent cannot possibly answer every falsehood that has been raised." More on straw men later. Gish epitomized the process of dumping so much crap in one debate that the opponent cannot possibly counter every point in the time alotted. When a skeptic has made the judgment call that it is time to debate a creationist they must be prepared for this tactic and have a counter ready.

The best counter for this debate style is to sum it all up with one "Those are all topics for another debate, we are here to discuss....X" then continue on with your original points. If they attempt to gallop away again just keep bringing them back by focusing on the original topic. Make it clear that all the muck they just dropped is not the focus of this conversation. Most of the time the things they bring up as part of the Gish Gallop are non-sequiturs to the debate at hand. A non-sequitur is the first logical fallacy I want to discuss following the Gish Gallop.

Non-Sequitur is an argument in which the conclusion does not necessarily follow from the premises. An example would be a co-worker that accosted me in the break room a couple days ago when she found out I was an Atheist. She has a very effective gallop style when she argues. This person is in effect a waste of time to argue with because she does not even let you finish a sentence before she jumps in with another logical fallacy. However, the Non-Sequitur she threw at me was "How are you going to get married? Who is going to marry you?" (meaning a pastor) This is actually a few logical fallacies in one, but the Non-Sequitur comes from trying to force a logical connection between believing in a god and getting married where there is in fact no connection at all. She was basically saying that I should believe in her god because otherwise I cannot get married, which is both a non-sequitur and a false premise. To finish the story, I simply got up and walked away as I usually do when I deem a person a waste of my time. Don't get caught up arguing with true believers that don't already have a stage from which to get attention. By arguing with those that toil in obscurity you are doing more harm than good because you are giving them attention they do not deserve.

The next logical fallacy I want to discuss is one that I loathe. It is the false dichotomy fallacy. False dichotomy is the fallacy of arbitrarily reducing a set of many possibilities to only two. My grandfather is a very stubborn person that will argue to the death; essentially another waste of time to argue with, but he is partly responsible for my fascination with skepticism. I have tried my whole life to understand how a person like my grandfather can argue so stubbornly with literally no factual ground to stand on. The day he discovered I questioned the existence of his god he began to argue with me non-stop. He would send me emails trying to convince me why he was right and why god must exist.
My position at the time was agnosticism, meaning that I considered god and all of religion to be not only unknown, but unknowable within the realm of science and our reality. He told me that I cannot take that stance and that I either had to believe in his god or disbelieve in his god, but not be a "fence-sitter" as he called it. He took the position that there is no such thing as middle ground. At the time I did not know how to respond, but today I know now that what he did was commit a logical fallacy. Stating that there were only two choices arbitrarily was a false dichotomy. Today I am still an agnostic, but also an atheist. There is enough evidence to convince me personally that god is a human creation designed to fill in the gaps for which we do not yet have answers. Humans tend to chase knowledge and when we ask questions that cannot yet be answered many people tend to fill in the answers with their own ideologies. However, my stance on religion in general is a topic for another blog.

Speaking of the "god of the gaps" mentality, the next fallacy I would like to bring up is the ad ignorantiam fallacy. The argument from ignorance is basically the premise that something is true because we don't know that it isn't true. Both my father and grandfather have used this one on me a few times. My father argues for some energy force that connects us all to one-another and the universe itself. When I debated him on this he stated that "you don't know there isn't one" and therefor it must exist. He also asked me to explain how sometimes when you are in a room facing away from the door you tend to know when someone has come into the room, despite not having any obvious evidence that someone has entered. It is an argument from ignorance to assume the existence of a whimsical force connecting us simply because we cannot prove there isn't one. That is the act of shifting the burden of proof. It's like saying prove to me there are not invisible unicorns floating around outside when in fact the burden of proof should be on the individual who is positing the idea in the first place. We should not have to prove the existence of invisible unicorns floating around, the individual making the claim should first have to provide compelling evidence that they do exist. Only then can we develop tests for this theory and attempt to disprove it as many ways as we can think of. If it stands the trial of many peer-reviewed scientific tests and still cannot be dis-proven, only then can it be declared a solid theory.
The other part of asking me how we know when people are behind us is also an argument from ignorance. He is assuming that we are not perceptive enough to notice the subtle shifts in the air in the room, or the drapes shifting ever so slightly, or the very faint sounds feet make as they crunch the carpet behind you. We have to apply Occam's razor to these whimsical theories. Occam's razor says that of two theories that come to the same result, the simpler of the two tends to be more correct. So us being perceptive beings and picking up on subtle pressure changes in the room is far simpler than the existence of a magic energy that connects people together. That is not to say the simpler theory has to be correct, just more correct than the second more complex theory, especially when it tries to explain an unkown phenomenon with another unknown phenomenon.

One common argument you will hear from creationists and similar debaters is "Expain to me how...." followed by something that science has not currently explained. For example "Explain to me how the universe was created." Since you cannot answer that question they immediately follow it with accusations that science doesn't know everything and you cannot explain everything with science, therefor God did it. This is the fallacy of confusing unexplained with unexplainable. Just because we cannot currently explain how the universe was created does not mean it is unexplainable. There is somewhat of a false dichotomy in here as well because people assume that we either have to explain it with current science or else God must have done it. The other fallacy in this argument is the jump from "we don't know how it happened" to "God did it." From there they usually move on to "prove God does not exist" which is another argument from ignorance. They are right when they say science cannot explain everything, but they are wrong in assuming that means all of science is wrong. That is actually the Straw Man logical fallacy I mentioned earlier. They are creating a point to argue against that is similar, but not the same as the point the person at the other end of the debate was trying to make. Creationists will often point out that all of science is wrong because it cannot explain a certain thing. That's like saying Einstein was stupid because he never learned how to tie his shoes. There are certain questions that simply do not fall within the realm of science. All belief claims fall into this category and are fundamentally NOT SCIENCE.

Science cannot prove or disprove the existence of a being so powerful he can literally do anything. That's not how science works. Science operates within a framework that it assumes is valid through testing. Science delivers the goods by predicting future outcomes of theories before testing and then being proven correct through vigorous testing. Science changes based on new discoveries and new evidence. So far, everything science knows has held up, because that is fundamentally how science works. So the claim that, "yeah evolution makes sense because God wanted it to look that way" is essentially not a scientific claim. Science is much simpler than most people think it is; it is just a logical method to go about learning new things about our reality. You create a theory for how something works, then you test it and try to disprove your own theory as many ways as possible. Only when your theory has not been proven wrong throughout a significant number of well-designed tests can it them be accepted by the rest of the world as a factual theory. Always remember that science never creates a 100% unbreakable fact. If a theory fails to withstand one test, even after thousands of successful tests, then theory can be proven wrong.

Another fallacy is the argument from final consequences. This one is a doozy, to use a scientific term. This invokes confirmation bias which basically says that it happened therefor it was meant to happen. To use an example from The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe, many nurses believe the ER is busier on nights when there is a full moon. Then, every time they see a full moon and notice they are busy that night they invoke confirmation bias and assume the full moon is causing the busy state of the ER. They remember the times when both those facts aligned, but forget the nights when they were busy and there was not a full moon.
Another example is that the odds of conditions being just right and allowing life to form are so great that this could not have happened naturally, something had to create us and everything is pre-ordained in this manner. That is the argument from final consequences because we are indeed here and the conditions are just right. It is like saying that you were destined to win the lottery because you won the lottery. From a mathematical standpoint, someone had to win. There was no way around it. Just because you were the one that won doesn't mean some magic was invoked to help you win it. Most people can't believe it when something quite improbable happens to them; they often invoke God or other whimsical influences as the cause of this improbable happenstance. It is important to note the difference between improbable and impossible. Improbable simply means that it's not likely to happen TO YOU, but improbability still implies that it very well could and likely will happen TO SOMEONE. If a hundred years went by and nobody won the lottery that entire time, that would be stranger than even one person winning it twice during their lifetime. The same can be said for life. With the vastness of the universe, it would be far stranger if life didn't exist at all. Our situation may be improbable, but it most definitely was not impossible.

These are all the logical fallacies that I wanted to cover in this blog. Visit the link I provided and study up on them all. I assure you that you will encounter each of them. I am even beginning to point them out to myself each and every day when I am talking with other people. It really is amazing how many logical fallacies people commit every day of their lives. I even catch myself committing them now and then.

- Alex

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Word Skeptic

I am a skeptic. I approach every aspect of reality with as much skepticism as possible. Because I will be using this word quite a bit moving forward, I want to explain it a little bit. In the United States this word seems to come with some extra baggage. To say someone is a skeptic here in the US is to say that the person is a "Naysayer" or a negative, closed-minded person. This connotation is not observed outside of the US.

In most other countries, the word skeptic (or its native equivalent) simply means logical thinker. A skeptic is someone that does not take everything at face value or believe something without evidence. In a sense, a skeptic is a scientist who's profession does not deal in one of the major science fields. A better term, at least for the US, is "logical thinker". Skeptics are the thinking class of society and are often said to be "fence sitters". Fence sitting is a figure of speech used to describe people who won't choose a side of an issue. It is the propensity of most people to feel like they HAVE to choose a frame of mind and stick with it forever.

A good example would be religion. Most religious individuals assume that my unwillingness to have "faith" in the existence of a god is the same thing as denying the existence of a god. Even though my personal opinion does lean toward the idea of a god as a nonsensical idea made up to answer the questions we cannot yet explain, it is still an unfounded assumption on that person's part. It is an argument from ignorance to confuse the word unexplained with unexplainable. Just because a scientist cannot prove something now does not mean it cannot be proven.

The idea of a skeptical society is a group of enlightened individuals that know the difference between being open-minded and having a hole in one's head. Not taking something at face value does not mean you are casting it aside, even though others would have you believe that is the case. Skeptics utilize the power of logical reasoning and consider every angle; whether it's a scientific theory or an argument with another person, having the ability to adjust your perspective will give you a greater understanding of the world and others in it.

That is what I am all about. There is a reason that a physics book costs more than the bible; we update our text books to account for new information while "true believers" cling hard to their outdated beliefs and logical fallacies. True learning only occurs when you can question the beliefs you hold most dear.

- Alex

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Welcome to Utah Skeptic!

My life has undergone a transformation. A year ago today I was at the end of my rope. I felt like a failure that was never meant to accomplish anything in life. I finally came to the realization that I had to change. I come from a place of anti-social self-deprecating behavior that turned me into a miserable person. I trashed blogs that I wrote during that time period because they were petty attacks at the world, which were secretly petty attacks at myself. Today I have come full circle. I have turned a video game addiction into a love for business. I own three businesses, something I never thought would be possible, and they are rapidly growing. My lifestyle has completely changed and so have my beliefs about the world.

Setting aside for a moment, all those amazing changes I've made in my life, there is one side of me that I've never been able to express. I stumbled upon a podcast called "The Skeptic's Guide To The Universe" and I found myself completely at home. This podcast's cast consists of doctors, scientists, and logical thinkers alike.........dare I state the obvious, skeptics. Until I discovered this podcast I had no clue that there were more people who thought the same way I did. There is an entire skeptical community! I don't know that the word skeptic 100% represents my frame of mind, but with the social world the way it is today I suppose someone like myself would have to be labeled "skeptical".

The hosts of the podcast discuss relevant topics and philosophies for nearly two hours every week. They come from a place of logic, reason, fact, and follow the scientific method for everything they do. These people are SMART! My entire life I have felt like the people around me were half awake. A lot of that was myself trying to make excuses for why I couldn't get anywhere in life, but even now there is a part of me that is saddened by the superstitious beliefs that whole communities share in! As the title of this blog suggests, I live in Utah. I've always felt out of place here. Since I turned my life around it doesn't bother me so much anymore. I feel that for the first time in my life I can think logically about these things instead of letting it anger me. A truly happy person cannot be easily affected by the actions of those around him/her and that is what I'm trying to be. So instead I aim to enlighten. I aim to show the world that there is one Utahn that has hope for humanity's future, and isn't going to wait for everyone's deity, be it a god or some other out-worldly manifestation to show them the way.

I have never been religious. I am sure that comes from my parent's, who also weren't very religious. When I was young my dad's job brought him to this state and it has been my home ever since. It is a beautiful state with plenty of things to do, but the dominant religion here, as most of you know, is Mormonism. To this day Mormonism rubs me the wrong way, but I'm not just going to run to the other side of the spectrum and just do a bunch of Mormon bashing; all that accomplishes is creating two polar opposite factions, neither of which has anything intelligent to say. I intend to be very blunt in this blog and I can't stand trying to be politically correct. I feel like an accomplished enough writer that I can convey a point and provide a decent context for that point so that it cannot be easily misunderstood. I warn you, if you have opposing thoughts on anything I discuss here and you cannot convey them intelligently and maturely, leave now. I will not apologize for anything I say unless I truly feel that I misrepresented my point. The goal here is not to offend anyone, but I'm not going to beat around the bush either. If you are easily offended, save yourself the trouble and stop reading right here.

I can sum up my entire goal here by preemptively making a counter argument against the one point most people are going to use against me going forward. Many of you that disagree with things I say are going to use this line....."Live and let live, what others believe doesn't affect you or anyone else. Who does it hurt if they have a different belief than you do?" Let me first start by saying that I am a huge proponent of live and let live. If it's truly not affecting anyone else, fine. However, most of the things that bother me do indeed affect others. The superstitious and religious beliefs that get intertwined into our daily lives and spread through society end in all sorts of disasters.

There are two levels by which the "social norm" of today affects other people. The first way I'll call "direct effect". This is when the actions of one person directly affect another, or others. Things like the anti-vaccinationist movement are an example of direct effect. Superstitious conspiracy-mongers believe that vaccinations are a government conspiracy or that they will cause the very disease they are trying to prevent. Nothing could be farther from the truth, and the science on vaccines is impeccable. The effectiveness of a vaccine at preventing disease is fact that cannot be disputed, yet I never cease to be amazed at how much play the anti-vaccinationists get.

I had a guy tell me that he didn't vaccinate his kids for polio last year because there were 8 cases of polio in the US and 7 of them were caused by the vaccinations themselves. This is a classic case of gobbling up the media version of a statistic that is completely misread and often taken completely out of context. The statistic he used actually disproves his point. He used the statistic to say that there were 7 cases of polio caused by the vaccine so obviously the vaccine can cause the disease. In fact the statistic shows that there were ONLY 8 CASES of polio in the entire United States last year. Polio is a highly contagious disease. Something is putting a stop to it and a guarantee it's not doing nothing. Taken at face value his theory is already debunked, however, you can be sure there was even more to that statistic. I would be willing to bet that at least 6 of those 7 vaccinated kids (if not all 7) had some underlying condition that made them susceptible to the disease; and all that's if the statistic is even true in the first place. The media always leaves out those parts of statistics. I will discuss more on this in another blog, I have very strong feelings about what anti-vaccinationists are doing to the world. They rely on "herd immunity" wherein they don't get sick simply because the rest of the "herd" is vaccinated already. Just remember, the media can make statistics say whatever they want. Find out the facts first, and find them out from several different sources before you settle.

The second level by which people are affected by believing crazy things that have no basis in fact is "indirect effect". An example of indirect effect is organic food. Organically grown food, meaning no pesticides or other chemicals used to keep the food clean or preserved during growth, is a huge myth. Organic food is a highly successful marketing ploy that tricks thousands of people into buying a specific product because it was "organically grown". Studies have shown organically grown food to be no more nutritious or less harmful than food prepared in the traditional fasion. I will list references in future blogs, but this is just a quick example. This belief does no immediate harm to any one person, but as a whole it perpetuates a state of public illiteracy on that subject and much more.

Even some of the most educated individuals can be fooled when the media reports on things that are in no way based on fact or logical reasoning. That stuff is in front of us everywhere we go and it should stop. In my opinion, the media should be obligated to do more extensive fact checking. The problem though, is that the media is ratings driven. If it gets good ratings then they air it. The other problem is that there are so called scientists and doctors that have a PHD in their field but push nonsensical theories. Each person's motives are different. Some of them are trying to sell a product, others can't accept the fact that one of their theories were wrong, etc. The media gets a hold of these "experts" and they serve only to further confuse the masses.

People being allowed to believe things that are complete fabrications only leads them to believe in other things that are total bunk that have direct effect on other people. For instance, an organic food person might transition from food into medacine and buy into the natural cures myth that saturates the media. They take these homeopathic remedies and run with them. Pretty soon we have stories about people that refuse to get medical treatment for an easily curable disease and die because they think their natural remedies will save them and that modern medicine is a conspiracy. I have often heard the medicine of today called "westernized medicine". I loathe that term because it suggests that modern medicine is but one alternative and there is another way. There is no other way. Leave the science to the scientists. Don't believe the junk people tell you about natural remedies and 101 cures the government doesn't want you to know about. If you really believe that the government wants people to die from cancer just so they can make a pretty penny then you need some help. Besides, if the government is so good at cheating us out of our money then why do we have such huge national debt? Homeopathy among other things sounds great. It sounds like a miracle come true. Homeopathy is nothing more than diluting real medicine to the point where it is no longer effective. More on Homeopathy in another blog, but suffice it to say that even the most harmless superstitions have real consequences.

Now you know what this blog is all about. I look forward to expressing my opinions in future posts. I plan to talk more about what it's like to be a thinking person among an entire state of "true believers".

- Alex